(913) 780-9916

Safety Matters at Cedar Lake Village

Safety matters and at Cedar Lake Village, it’s our priority. It’s more important than ever for our community to feel safe. To give you peace of mind, we wanted to share with you some of our ongoing safety measures. Infection Control: We are taking extra...

How to deal with difficult times

Living through a pandemic can take an emotional and mental toll on a person’s well-being. The Good Samaritan Society’s Greg Wilcox, senior pastor and vice president of mission integration, shares some insights for dealing with difficult times. “It’s important to...

Community Support in light of COVID-19

At Cedar Lake Village, we have been so blessed by our local community and businesses.  We appreciate all of the donations, cards, flowers, care packages, hand sanitizer, PPE, handmade masks, etc. we have received from community partners and businesses throughout the...

COVID-19 Update: May 4, 2020

At this time, Cedar Lake Village has zero cases of COVID-19 within our resident or staff group. We are so grateful!  It has certainly not been an easy journey, but we thank all of our staff, residents, and families for each doing your part to keep each other safe. The...