Safety Matters at Cedar Lake Village

by | Jul 20, 2020 | Cedar Lake Village News

Safety matters and at Cedar Lake Village, it’s our priority.

It’s more important than ever for our community to feel safe. To give you peace of mind, we wanted to share with you some of our ongoing safety measures.

Infection Control: We are taking extra precautions and following CDC infection control protocols. We are practicing what we preach with good handwashing hygiene, use of alcohol-based sanitizer and frequent surface cleanings.

Visitors: When and where visitors are allowed, they are encouraged to wear masks and limit their movement throughout the building.

Tours and Moving In: We’re staggering tours and move-in dates and times to maintain social distancing. We’re also offering virtual tours as a contact-free alternative to learning more about our community.

Group Gatherings and Outings: We’re following state and local guidance to determine when it is safe to plan outings and events. Residents are encouraged to wear masks and practice social distancing when leaving their apartments.

Call us at (913) 780-9916 to learn more about the safety measures we’re taking to keep our community safe. 

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