COVID-19 Update: May 4, 2020

by | May 4, 2020 | Cedar Lake Village News

At this time, Cedar Lake Village has zero cases of COVID-19 within our resident or staff group. We are so grateful!  It has certainly not been an easy journey, but we thank all of our staff, residents, and families for each doing your part to keep each other safe. The support we’ve received from our community is simply amazing!

Although the State of Kansas and Johnson County are working to lift some restrictions this week and next, senior living communities like Cedar Lake Village will likely be one of the last industries to have lightened restrictions. The health and well-being of our residents and staff are of the utmost importance. As the community at large returns back to some semblance of day-to-day life with lightened restrictions, it’s our duty to continue to keep our residents in the high-risk category safe and healthy.

Current visitor restrictions continue to remain in place for the foreseeable future. We will let you know once we have a plan in place with input from the CDC, and other healthcare agencies along with recommendations from the State of Kansas and Johnson County to lift some of the restrictions at CLV. Thank you for helping us to keep our residents and staff safe by honoring our COVID-19 restrictions.

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